Become a Chamber Member

Click below to download our pdf application:

Membership Application

Join us for our monthly Chamber meetings:

Fourth (4th) Wednesday of every month at 6:00 p.m.
at the Kooskia City Hall. Everyone is invited! 

Our Mission

Our Mission is to unify and support the business community, to promote and nurture new business opportunities, and to establish a basis for a thriving and resilient economy in the City of Kooskia and the surrounding area.

Chamber at a Glance

The Greater Kooskia Chamber of Commerce was formed in the Spring of 1995. The Chamber is a private non-profit business advocate supported by its members. It is not part of local government. It works to facilitate leadership for issues important for existing and potential new business as well as the community. All people are welcome to become members, as a business or individual. The Chamber is about “group effort” and doing things together. Being an active member has benefits such as:

  • Making professional contacts
  • Participating in educational programs
  • Community visibility through brochures, website, and advertising
  • Satisfaction of helping one another accomplish goals



Membership Develop a strong, involved membership with a unified spirit of cooperation
Economic Growth Identify and facilitate current and future economic growth opportunities
Education Offer educational programs that benefit our business community
Publicity Promote the community and chamber activities through the media
Lewis & Clark Bicentennial Capture economic benefits from the Lewis & Clark Bicentennial Commemoration
Community Betterment Cooperate with local and regional organizations to enhance community identity and spirit
Fund Raising Develop sufficient funds to support the Chamber’s Mission Statement, Goals and Objectives
Kooskia Days Develop and support Kooskia Days as a venue for community organizations to hold fund raisers and to celebrate the community pride.
Horizons Program Steering Committee Poverty reduction program sponsored in part by the Northwest Area Foundation and the University of Idaho. Community involvement on many different levels include study circles, leadership plenty training and community vision.